Thursday, February 21, 2013

Obama Smoke and Mirrors

Once again this administration is relying on the old Smoke and Mirrors tactic which has served them so well thought their time in the White House. We have a group of Senators come together to work on an immigration law which will try and solve the problem that we have with the illegal aliens.  This group was comprised of 4 Republican and 4 Democratic Senators that were trying to work in a bipartisan atmosphere which has not been seen in Washington in at least 5 years.  

You would think that the President would welcome this type of unity and support the effort that is being made by both sides trying to solve a major problem that the American people have.  But instead this President who was going to be the great uniter again has divided the country.  The White House leaked information about a plan that they were supposedly working on to solve the immigration problem.  This plan torpedoed the plan that was being worked on by the bipartisan group.  Again the President used his Smoke and Mirrors tactics to make something that could have started some type of working relationships in the Sennate and possibly the House to fizzle and die.  

Sometimes I wonder just why he would do such things to hurt the people of the United States and then I realize that his goal is to make us a Socalistic nation.  This is not a short term goal but something that will take years and years but he is paving the way.

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